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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Obama's Mea Culpa

From Yahoo News:

"President Barack Obama is taking responsibility for mistakes in the handling of the tax controversy that led to Tom Daschle's withdrawal as President Barack Obama's nominee to be health and human services secretary, saying: "I screwed up."

The president did a series of back-to-back television interviews in which the subject of failed nominees was a top subject.

Obama told NBC "I'm frustrated with myself" for unintentionally sending a message that there are "two sets of rules" for paying taxes, "one for prominent people and one for ordinary folks."

"I take responsibility for this mistake," he told Fox News."

Now if he can explain why a woman with less than $1,000 in unpaid taxes had her White House appointment "withdrawn" almost instantly, but Geithner was approved and Daschle had the administration's full support. Perhaps there may still be two sets of rules -- one for men and one for women?

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