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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tax Trouble Double Standard

Well, I was all prepared to write about the Democrat Tax Dodge Tango, how the rules that apply to the rest of us conveniently don't apply to them. Then I receive a New York Times Breaking News Alert -- Daschle withdraws. Now, if he were facing a criminal trial as well, that would be even better.

You had know that things weren't looking good for Daschle when even the NY Times called for his withdrawal. Yet, the President continued to stand by him, giving Daschle the ol' thumbs up just yesterday when questioned by the media. The President should have demanded the withdrawal as soon as the tax evasion was revealed, but had perhaps backed himself into a murky ethical corner with his support of another tax dodger -- Timothy Geithner.

It should go without saying that any Republican with the same baggage would have been pilloried and run out of town. But Democrats just have to duck their heads, say I'm sorry, and all is forgiven. How refreshing to see that this time, the "aw shucks, my bad" defense didn't work and one of them was held accountable. Bye bye Tom.

For those keeping score, that is one proposed Commerce Secretary, one Secretary of Health and Human Services, and one Chief Performance Officer who have had to withdraw their nominations for various ethical issues and one Treasury Secretary given a pass for his tax troubles.

In addition, there have been at least seventeen waivers to the no lobbyist in the White House rules in the first two weeks of the Obama administration, the latest being proposed Deputy Defense Secretary -- and former Raytheon lobbyist -- William Lynn. Correction, the latest being former Goldman Sachs lobbyist Mark Patterson as Treasury Secretary Geithner's chief of staff.

Better post this before I have another former lobbyist/now White House insider to name.

This is the change we were promised?

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