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Monday, May 10, 2010

Judges Don't Pick the American Idol -- We do

We should have known it was going to be one of those years when on the first performance night of the guys, the judges ripped ‘70s rocker Tyler Grady – for singing like a 70’s rocker. Two weeks later they told Broadway performer Todrick Hall to stop being so “dramatic” and complained that he was too much a Broadway singer rather than a recording artist. The only compliment Simon gave him was that at least he performed – as opposed to the rest of the guys who just sat on a stool and sang which, apparently, is not performing. Someone should tell James Taylor he’s been taking money under false pretenses for decades.

But I digress. The topic for today is the whipsaw. The dictionary defines this as “to cause to move or alternate rapidly in contrasting directions.” It is the perfect description of how the judges have dealt with top-four-finalist Casey James since his first audition in Denver. I understand that there are much worse things to deal with than negative criticism, that’s not the point. The point is that when the judges’ critiques are given so much weight, they should at least have a modicum of sense and consistency to them. When they don’t, they confuse the artists, confound the audience, and make a mockery of the concept of the show which was to find and help launch undiscovered talent – not build up and destroy someone alternating weeks to see how long they can handle the abuse.

Casey has received more than his share of mixed messages, contradictory critiques, and inconsistent feedback. It would be enough to make anyone go a little crazy and lose their confidence. But that’s the power of the whipsaw. He was picked for the show for his great bluesy vibe, and then dismissed as being predictable for playing a bluesy song. His country take on “You’ll Think of Me” was met with a tepid response not because of the vocals, but because it was “safe.” Then weeks later, a similarly brilliant country performance was raved as the second coming. He was told he was channeling Hendrix by one judge, and then another mocked him for “trying to play the guitar.” He was ridiculed as “trying to be a rock star,” then a week later told he was a rock star. His voice was compared to dirt, he was called a bleating farm animal. Yet in the same moment he was being chastised for playing it safe, he was also told how consistent he is, always good, great voice, great tone, loved your vocals.

This has been a crazy year where it seemed not that the performances changed from week to week, but the judges did. One week, Simon complained about Casey “just”standing still playing his guitar, another week he raved about it. Randy was most consistent, praising Casey for his Stevie Ray Vaughn vibe three weeks in a row. But that’s where the consistency ended. Ellen and Kara loved it then hated it; Simon hated it then loved it. But let’s not get carried away with praise for Randy, who was the only one, not just on the judging panel, but within earshot of the performance, who didn’t unquestionably love “Jealous Guy,” alluding to some vague pitch problems in the moody, tender, and flawless vocals.

While all this is going on, there was the spectacle of Kara the Cougar hanging around objectifying Casey and indirectly belittling his years of hard work, his talent, and his drive. “The cougar is a fan.” “Did he not return your calls, darling?” “When Kara says show it all, she means…” These running jokes were a distraction at best, and, at worst, may have detracted from Casey’s performances. We’ve had attractive contestants in the past, but none has been treated like raw meat to the extent that Casey has. The ongoing joke isn’t funny anymore. Neither are the judges’ unpredictable hot-and-cold running critiques which haven’t been fair to him or to a number of the contestants this year.

The judges have been a mess this year in their efforts to evaluate the contestants' performances. They could never articulate to Katie or Siobhan what it was about their beautiful and unique voices that they didn’t like, yet the same judges consistently fail to mention Lee’s obvious pitch problems. Their idea of providing feedback to Didi Benami was to tell her that she had “changed” and lost her way – not exactly razor-sharp criticism designed to help the contestant. The judges are long on complaining, short on explaining. But then, they apparently have an agenda. We’ll see if America agrees with their agenda.

Because agenda aside, the judges are not the final say on American Idol. We are. While the judges will do their best to try and manipulate, they don’t have a vote in who wins. We do. Casey fans need to speak in a unified and consistent manner, something the judges have failed to do. They need mobilize their efforts on Tuesday to make sure the right contestant makes it to the end.


  1. Brilliant - I agree with you completely

  2. Amen! Thank you for putting everything I've been feeling in writing. I may print and frame this blog!

  3. Loved your article. Totally agree.

    GO CASEY!!!

  4. Thank you! I am glad to know that I'm not alone in my utter confusion concerning the lousy "judging" on Idol this season. No matter how much false praise they heap on other mediocre contestants, the judges cannot deny Casey's star quality. They can only fail to point it out and pray that the lemmings will listen to them and not their own hearts. I for one hope to prove them dead wrong about this. Casey FTW!

  5. Casey has my full support. I judge him with my own personal criteria, which , I believe, is more consistent and from the heart than the AI judges.

  6. Thank you so much for such a spot on article. Kara doesn't get that mocking someone and telling them they act like they're in a "jam band" or "sound like a lamb" isn't providing them with true criticism from which they can learn and grow. Lee has been (not pitchy right HCJ) but SHARP all season long. His stage presence is null and yet he gets accolades for subpar performances. I love rocker CJ, the acoustic crooning CJ even the "bleating" CJ and will be first in line at his concerts and to buy his music.

  7. I'm finding some comfort in knowing that I'm NOT the only one who sees this! I think the Judges have been almost useless this year with their hot/cold, you are a Rockstar/you sound like a lamb, blah blah blah comments. They have lost all credibility with their down right rude and bias comments. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Casey IS the "real deal", the "total package" and "star quality" and we fans DO have the final say! And we say Casey James FTW!

  8. Thanks for the great article. If the male judges had treated a female contestant the way Casey's been treated, there would have been an uproar and backlash for inappropriate behavior. (Though Kara(and Posh's)obvious attraction were the reason CJ got his chance; with Randy sealing the deal by trusting them with his majority vote.) Dicey enough; but if I were Kara's husband, I'd have had a tough time swallowing her primetime behavior during Casey's performance of "Heaven". I can't imagine her having a choice in how to respond to CJ since then.
    I personally think Casey has the sex appeal and charisma of Jim Morrison; the raw country/blues intensity of Neil Young and the guitar genius of Eric Clapton: all rolled into one. His style is right up my old 60's alley.

  9. Thank YOU!!! Like Mickey said, you just put into words everything we've been thinking and discussing with each other for weeks now!!! Thank you so much for this blog!!! And a few unmentioned 'accidents' also happened concerning the sound people. Not to mention the producers took it upon themselves to keep a lid on Casey's illness he's had almost since he's been there, going through several rounds of antibiotics!! He has been thrown under the bus so many times, I'm surprised he still has any confidence at all!!! But he does and he will prevail, just like he always has!!! Casey James for the WIN!!!!!!

  10. Thank you for spelling out exactly what I have been thinking for weeks. The judge's agenda is sometimes not so easy to read but in regards to Casey, it is crystal clear. Casey has never deviated from his own style. And he is always great at what he does..one consistenly solid performance after another. He has only opted on some occasions to give something different than what they expected but still totally himself.
    Now if the judges would do that same, we would all be a little less confused. But that would require them to be staight forward and honest and that's not in their playbook.
    My biggest hope is that Casey will go for it with everything he has and continue to be himself and his fans continue to support him. We can do no more than that.

  11. CaseyJames has a long, long successful journey in music ahead of him. He is the real deal because, like David Cook, he has it all going for him. He has an amazing voice, he is an amazing musician, and an amazing person. He is true to himself and has handled the confusing comm ents from the judges gracefully. None of us have to worry. Casey James will be a household name rapidly, in spite of the obvious agenda the judges possess. Remember, WE choose who is the next AI, not them.

  12. Let's Vote for Casey until the phone battery dies and make him Top 3.

  13. Thank you for such a concise and informative blog. I have wondered about the way the judges have commented on Casey all this season. It is to Casey's eternal credit that he took all of their "criticism" with such good grace and dignity! Vote Casey!!

  14. That was a spot on and brilliant summary. For the first time, I'm really thinking this is the last season of Idol for me. I am a Casey Fan but I always wish the best for all of the contestants and the judges seem so full of themselves this year that they fail to guide the contestants in a constructive manner. Kara's treatment of Casey has been despicable from the get-go. She has undermined him since Denver. Casey knows who he is and he hasn't taken the abuse to heart at all. He is smart and has probably learned from this experience that putting up wit this crap is a necessary evil to get where he wants to go. Eyes on the Prize Casey!! In your face, Kara!

  15. Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Loved it and the others two articles about CJ's journay to sucess.
    I'll print the three articles you have written and keep them forever.
    You have the art of combining words to say exactly what we want to read about AI judges and CJ love-and-hate relashionship. I am a brazilian fan of CJ and the articles written here. Today is crucial. Vote for him till your fingers get burn ... Let's see him next week showwing his roots and realising how much people trust his talent and love him. I can not vote from brazil, even I can see the idol "alive". We have 2-week delay to see ethe show on cable tv. But internet help me to keep informed. Thanks to you all for the info you posted on the internet right after the show and the "youtubers", so I can watch the performances.
    I hope to read, tomorrow, that CJ's performance was the best ever and will see him next week on A.I.

  16. I'd like to post most recent Casey's Twitter:

    "I woke up this morning and looked out the window at palm trees and sunshine. Once again I realized that my life will never be the same. I'm so overwhelmed that all my dreams are coming true. Thank you just doesn't cut it. I will thank you on Tuesday night. Im going to give you everything I am. Love you".

  17. It was an amasing night for CJ. I am sure we all know and understand what he meant when singing Mrs Robinson. That was not related to "Kara thing", it was related to his thankfulness to GOD, family, friend, and the power/vote of his fans. He is pure music and would not waste his precious time on stage "joking w/" somebody, even Kara.
    He always finds reason to thank everyone of us for where he is. THat's what he did yesterday. He had no chance to explain the real meaning of the song, imo, but Randy did a wrong version/vision/joke instead.
    Yes Casey, heaven holds a place for those who pray and sing like you do.
    Again, sorry about my English - Lu Silver - Sao Paulo - Brazil.

  18. well said! Casey James you are gonna make it.......awesome talent, personality......unforgetable!! Love the way he deals with the judges criticism and keeps on doing his thing........faithfully! I believe he is gonna be the next American Idol..no matter what the judges say or Crystal sings!!!

  19. Recruit your neighbors and set up dial idol on their computers. Ask them to just start it. Buy Go Phones as texting is the way to go. Every text counts.

    Casey deserves to win. He is an amazing talent and a wonderful man.
